Sunday, October 18, 2009

Halloween or Halloweenie???

So, I am having this massive internal debate about the upcoming Halloween holiday. Hang tight for a few while I give a bit of background on this particular musing...

Each year, I decorate the front porch for Halloween. And, I go ALL out! I'm talking black lights, glow-in-the-dark spiderwebs, skeletons, bones, tombstones, ghosts, & even a "Scream" dude sitting in the corner. I also have a strobe light flashing inside the house and a fog machine outside. I am known in our current neighborhood (and the last 2 neighborhoods we've lived in) for my Halloween displays. I am typically out with the kids, but the hubby has reported many instances of kids refusing to come up on the porch. Instead they beg their parents to ring the bell to collect the candy. BTW, I usually have GOOD candy...none of that chewy, hard, boring stuff. I go for the Snickers, Reese's, Hershey's, etc. I can't help it...I have an addiction! If I'm gonna have leftover candy, I want it to be good sh*t...not the nasty, leftover from last Halloween sh*t a lot of people hand out...

BUT...(ya know, it's been a while since I had a "but" in a post)...Anyhoo, once again I seem to be venturing off track. Big shock, I know ;)

To add to the front porch display, I am a little over-the-top about the kids' costumes. If I cannot send them out in something that is the "best" or extremely unique, I get a little concerned. For example, last year they went as Mario and Luigi...I made the costumes (even to the point of using dye to get the right color), and the boys looked awesome!

So, this year, they want to be rapper/gangsta/rock star kinda-lookin' "dudes"...Originally, the eldest wanted to be "Batman", and the youngest wanted to be a "Policeman". (Of course, I am thinking, "Where the heck did you ever see Batman???") Needless to say, I was a bit surprised...I thought for sure they would say they wanted to be "Spongebob and Patrick" or "Tom & Jerry", since those are their 2 most favorite shows. A week later, they inform me of this whole rapper/gangsta/rock star change. What??? Who the heck have they been talking to??? How in the world do you go from "Batman" or "policeman" to the whole rapper/gangsta/rocker thing??? Maybe they are just trying to "represent" in our neighborhood? I know, I know...maybe not the most PC thing I have ever put into print, but it is the truth and oh, so accurate...

Once again, I am venturing off on some weird side road...

Back to my original reason for writing (typing??) tonight...

Every year, the kids start to P&M ( that would be piss and moan, for those of you who don't know me) about the whole trick-or-treat thing. Seriously, after about 4 houses, they are whining and wanting to go back home. Now, to their defense, about 1 of every 4 houses in our neighborhood actually answer the door on Halloween, so I can easily see how they get bored/discouraged/tired quickly. Add the whole "hit or miss" thing to the fact that our 'hood is very hilly, and I can see how they'd get tired quick. BUT...(I know, there it is again...) they love, love, LOVE the candy!! Gee...I wonder where they get that addiction??? ;)

SOOOOO...thank you for hanging around this long, considering the fact I have yet to ask the million dollar question of the day...

This year, I had the brilliant idea to "skip" Halloween. Before you all fall on the floor in shock, let me explain. We typically spend way too much on Halloween when you add in costumes (even if homemade) and whatever new thing I add to the front porch. This year we are not quite in a position to continue with tradition. I have all the stuff to decorate, but that means we have to have the candy to back it up. This is something I am not sure we are in a position to do...

I came up with the idea to take what I would have spent on costumes and candy and put it into something lasting. I want to give the kids a choice: "I can buy you a costume and we'll trick-or-treat like every year....OR, I can take the same $$, and we'll go to the store for you to pick whatever you want for that same amount."

My question is this: I am a bad Mom for even suggesting such a bizarre idea??

1 comment:

  1. I think letting the kids pick something out at the store is a great idea. Further to that, you could have a halloween party of your own inside. Watch an appropriate but scary movie, etc. (Record your football games!)
