Saturday, September 19, 2009

What is it about Texas???

So, I just spent the last several hours watching my beloved Longhorns on ABC's Saturday Night College Showdown, and I must say I have probably aged at least 5 years. Aren't Saturday nights supposed to be relaxing? All week, I have heard more about this Texas / Texas Tech "rematch" than I care to comment about...BUT, I have to admit it definitely lived up to its billing. This game was perhaps more stressful than last year's unfortunate game. I still think the Texas defense should have either committed pass interference or the unsportsmanlike conduct penalties to avoid that freakin TD by Michael Crabtree...

Anyway, that was then, and this is now...and for now I am a happy camper. My Horns are 3-0 (1-0 in conference play). Woohoo...Hook 'Em!!!

You all know I love me some football - college and pro - and you know where to find me on Saturday and Sunday during the greatest season of the year. I love Spring and all those other "traditional" seasons, but my favorite time of year is the stretch between August and February. This is when both the NFL and NCAA Football are in full swing...

So, today, I am watching the Georgia/Tennessee game when Sean asks if he can play the Wii. It was halftime, and I was in the kitchen - out of site of the TV - fixing a snack. So, here's a brief rundown of the conversation:

SEAN: Hi, Mom, how are you?
ME: I'm fine, are you?
SEAN: Whatcha doin?
ME: Fixin a snack
SEAN: Ummm, can I play the Wii?
ME: No
SEAN: Why?
(Cuz, ya know when a parent says "no" it doesn't matter...a kid will always ask why...)
ME: No...I'm watching a football game.
SEAN: There's no football on now, and you are in here...
ME: (Still wondering why I am justifying me original "no" response) I'm watching the game
SEAN: Why?
ME: Because I like football.
SEAN: Then why don't you play?
ME: Because grown-up girls do not play football on TV.
SEAN: Then why do you watch?
ME: Because I like it... many other posts, I am not quite sure what I was trying to accomplish by writing, but I did (and still do) find the previous exchange with my son humorous.

Why is that we, as parents, feel the need to explain or justify our every action and decision to our kids??? At what point did society turn the kids into the "Alpha" member of the family??

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