Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Calgon, take me away!

Man, what a day I had today! Thank God I only have 2 more days of this insanity they call "Summer Camp". My crew was completely out of control today...I actually found myself yelling at another person's child. This is something I swore I would never do, even as a teacher! But, you have to know this kid...he makes Dennis the Menace look like an angel...

Anyway, after dealing with that for 4 hours, I am greeted by my 5-year old baby. And, when I say "baby" I mean "baby" in the largest sense of the word! I swear...will that boy ever grow up?? (I know, there are those of you thinking, "Better watch it, because in a few years you will wish he was little again.") At this point, I can honestly say that I will never wish for this boy to be the way he is now. I have very distinct recollection of Brian cutting the cord when the child was born, but I was never warned it would grow back! I think the kid would be happy if he could get back inside the womb. I keep telling him, "I can't wait til you start Kindergarten." Does that make me a bad mother??

You guys all know my little man...the youngest (and should i say LAST) "Mann" in this family. So, you know I am by no means exaggerating his behavior...whining & crying when things don't go his way, whining & crying when something changes, whining & crying when things DO go his way...are you getting the pattern yet?? I feel sorry for the kid if (and when) this stuff comes out in Kindergarten! They are gonna eat him alive...poor guy...

Got that off my chest and out of my system for the day...thanks to all for letting me vent! On the subject of venting, I have one last thing to share for now...

So, I am driving to work this morning wondering why the heck I volunteered for this madness, and this moronic idiot pulls out of his neighborhood. Doesn't sound all that bad, right? Well, he pulls out in front of me and SLOWS DOWN. I mean, are you freaking kidding me right now??? Dude could have waited 2 seconds for me to go by, as there was not another car behind me for miles. So, it gets worse... I pull up behind him as close as possible (safely possible, that is) to let him know I was not too thrilled with his lack of road courtesy. Ya know what the *&%#er did??? He flips me off...ME...like it was my fault that he pulled out in front of me. This in itself would not have been all that bad, because I know idiots will always be idiots and maybe this guy is trying to make up for some other shortcoming...BUT the guy is in a Jeep with the top down, so it's wide open. As I am muttering about what an idiot the guy is (thinking I am being sneaky about it), the kids ask me "Mommy, what does it mean when somebody sticks that finger out at you??" Nice, huh...

So, just when you think your kids have been sheltered from learning "bad" things...think again. I thought my guys would only learn this kind of stuff from school and hanging out with their classmates. WRONG!!! There are way more than potholes out there to worry about when it comes to "road hazards"...


  1. Erin, this is the best thing I have read in a LONG time. You write just like you talk and it is sooooo funny. I can hear your voice when I read it. I know what you mean about the little one and your driving comments are just like being in the car with you. Ever thought about taking up writing in your spare time???? :) You go girl!!

  2. And, I know you want more comments than just family, but i second the above. Except, that it makes me miss you even more 'cause it is so real. Who knew?! Give the little mann a hug!

  3. Emily came home from kindergarten fliping Russ and me off. She said " Ha Ha look I'm shooting birds". She has no idea what it means and thought it really meant she was shooting a actual pretend bird.

    Your blog does sound like you when you talk:)
