Sunday, July 12, 2009

If you got it on tape, then that's what I said...

We are so bad about quoting movie lines. I could probably sum up our entire life with lines from various movies. It would be one of those compilation know, many different people saying many differnt things. Anyway, I realized tonight I am not near as technoligically savvy as I thought I was, because I am having a hell of a time getting this whole blog thing up and running. Does that make me a complete moron???

At first, I so did not get the whole "blog" thing...Funny how after one post you are all of a sudden addicted. Amazing to be able to let go of life with a simple blog post! So, here I sit...a typical "Mann" Saturday night complete with Miller LIte, MarioKart, and the (now famous) E-Cig!!!

BTW, for those of you who don't know, I have been Nicotine free for 11 days!!! Okay, okay...I did cheat with a "real" cigarette last night, BUT I have not craved anymore since then! I love my new smoke-free life! It is so amazing how good things taste and smell!!! If you want to know what the hell I am talking about, drop me a line! In the mean time, I will continue to enjoy my newfound sense of smell & taste, and the ability to chase my kids without gasping for breath!!!! :D

So, I have unloaded for now and am going off to try to figure out how this whole thing works...Anybody with a tip, please let me know!! Peace out...


  1. Yay! Welcome to the blog world! you can download free templates from if you are interested! i could never get it to work but julie did :)

    congrats on the smoke-free life!! maybe one day i will be able to join the hell did you do it btw???!! LOL

    happy blogging my friend!

  2. Wuz up dog:) I am so glad u got a blog. This means I have 3 friends now. I have been feeling like such a loser for sometime now. Great news about the smokes or shall I say non smokes. Keep sucking on those ink pens.

  3. Congratulations! It's going to be awesome. Love it already! Mr. Mann looks cute in his birthday photo. And, the boys in the snow, precious!
