Friday, July 17, 2009

Spongebob Roundpants??

I know there are many of you thinking, "What the heck? That girl needs to get out more." Well, let me explain...You all know my kids absolutely love to watch Spongebob. I mean, they will sit for hours and watch episodes they have seen over and over and over get the idea. So there is a new episode on right now where Spongebob gets new pants, and it is called "Spongebob Roundpants". They are curvy instead of the typical box-like pants he normally wears. Anyway, the reason this is rather funny to me is that during the regular school year, I was cutting out sponges to be used for a painting project. I cut one into a circle and called it "Spongebob Circle-pants". The kids all thought it was hysterical. So, I am wondering now...did one of those sweet little 3 year olds steal my idea??? ;)

BTW, you are all probably right in thinking I need to get out more!

So, we live hundreds of miles from any of our nearest family members, and most of the time it really sucks. There are times when there is some silly drama going on where it is nice to be away from it all. However, I just found out today just how out of the loop we are by being so far from home. I was on the phone with my Mom this evening having the typical "catching up" kind of conversation when the following exchange takes place:

MOM: Shane leaves for Egypt tomorrow.
ME: What??
MOM: Shane leaves for Egypt tomorrow.
ME: He's doing what? (What I really want to say is "What the $%#! did you just say?")
MOM: Don't tell me you didn't know...I thought I told you.
ME: No, I didn't know.
MOM: Obviously Shane didn't tell you either, huh. Yeah, he is leaving for Egypt tomorrow for a week. He's doing some shooting outside of Cairo for a job.
ME: What in the world are you talking about?
MOM: I'm sorry, I thought you knew.
ME: (Yes, we have been over this part...I do not know about any of this) That's crazy man!
MOM: I know; He's really excited. (Really? Ya think??)
ME: Wow...

Anyway, apparently several weeks ago, my brother, Shane, got an offer to do a job in Egypt for a week. He owns his own business and does a lot of photography, film, and editing. I guess he had to get an expedited passport, a bunch of shots, and take a helicopter safety course before he can go. The whole point to my story is...How in the world can a family be so disjointed that I didn't know my brother is leaving the country for a part of the world that is a little on the scary side right now???


  1. I really thought you knew. Sorry, I will do better next time...

  2. wow...will he be riding any camels while he's there??

  3. lol, Erin...I have no idea...earlier he was looking at pyramids!!
