Sunday, August 9, 2009

Are you ready for some football???

The annual NFL Hall of Fame Game just finished up on this lovely Sunday evening...and I could not be more thrilled!! No, not thrilled that it is over, but thrilled because it means the newest installment of NFL football is right around the corner. I know, most of you are thinking, "Oh, great, this means my husband is gonna be glued to the TV for the next few months." BUT...(see, there's that "but" I always have)...In my house, this is such a good thing! Seriously, we LOVE football in this house...preseason, regular season, college, name it and we are probably watching! And, the completion of the HOF game means the "official" preseason starts in a matter of hours...And, the start of the "official" preseason means it is only a matter of hours (okay, weeks, but who's counting) until the completion of preseason football...And, the completion of preseason football means the start of regular season football...

And so on and so forth...

Anyhoo, this means I can quit watching crappy TV at night, because I will have a ball game or two to watch a few nights a week!! Yippee...

So, my Titans looked pretty good in the game this evening, and I can only hope that they will continue the success of last season. There have been several changes made to the roster...some good, some bad, but all in all they are in for a pretty good year.

Okay, I know you are not here for the latest in the NFL (that's what ESPN is for, right?), so I will try to keep posts football-free from this point forward.

Tomorrow is the first day of school for the boys...and of course, all the other thousands of kids who also reside in our county! As of 11:00 PM on Sunday, I am taking bets...for what, you ask??? Well, the "little" one is so excited to ride the bus with his big brother. (I really think that's the only reason he is excited about starting school.) Well, I am about 90% sure the boy will refuse to get on the bus in the morning. Those of you who know the child are probably applauding me for my optimism...probably thinking it's more like 100-200% that he won't get on the bus... LOL It's a good thing the bus comes early, that way I have plenty of time to dry up the tears (his, not mine) and drive him to school.

Oh man, did I just say I am glad something is happening early??? What the heck...something has to be wrong with me!! For real, though, we have to be out and ready to catch the bus at 7:15. Yes, that is AM! Can you believe that??? What type of insanity is this...These kids are in elementary school, not high school or taking college classes. School doesn't start until 8:15...what are they gonna do with my kids for an hour??? We live 2 miles from the school... Two miles!! I mean, I could walk to the school in less than an hour, and they want my kids that early?? Crazy!!

So, I am signing off for now, but I promise to have LOTS to post tomorrow, as I am quite sure my kids will have had an interesting first day of school.

Oh, yeah, anybody want to make a bet as to whether or not Mom (that would be me) wakes up on time??? You bet I will...I'll be kickin' them out the door before sun-up!! LOL I will also take bets as to whether or not Mom (yep, still me) stays awake after the kids are off to school...


  1. u r too funny... i was the mom this morning that cried on the way home "childless". im blaming it on the pregnancy hormones b/c all the other moms looked like they were dancing on the way outta school this morning with no kids in tow...

  2. I am guessing you had a good nap this morning! Let us know how the g-kids day went.
