Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"We've only just begun..."

"to live...white lace and promises..." Okay, I am no Karen (sp?) Carpenter, but I do like that song. Anyhoo, the reason breaking out in song is today I am celebrating my 8th wedding anniversary. Brian and I were married in Gatlinburg, TN 8 years ago, today. It has been an ever-changing, sometimes rough, but always fun ride. Brian, if you are reading this, I love you!! Thank you for 8 great years of marriage...I can't wait to see what the next 8 years bring.

You know how you hear those stories of "love at first sight"?? Well, ours was not quite that much of a fairy-tale. We were coworkers from 2 different parts of the country who happened to get promotions/transfers to Nashville within a week of each other back in 1999. Believe it or not, his apartment was over my garage in the same apartment complex!! Little scary, huh?? If you believe in fate, this story is for you.

Anyway, we got along great and became fast friends. (We were both involved with other people at the time, or I suspect we would have been together even sooner.) Many months later, we went to dinner...I knew at the end of that night that Brian was the man I wanted to spend my life with! I think he knew it, too, but it took him a little longer to acknowledge the fact. We started hanging out a lot...bowling, watching basketball games, lunches, dinners, happy hour and shooting pool... We were having a great time with our new found friendship (love??).

And, to make a long story short, here we are...8 years of marriage, 2 kids, 3 houses, a cat, and a new state to call "home" later! They always say things happen for a reason...perhaps our meeting was predetermined?? (Who are "they" by the way??)


  1. Ahh yes, I will never forget the night you called and said you were going to "become a Mann". Of course, I didn't have the benefit of the spelling...
