Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Boys will be boys...

Why is it that my kids feel the need to pee at the same time?? Do other siblings do this type of thing?? Obviously, those of you with little girls will say "no"...at least I hope you say "no", otherwise we need to have a little chat!! LOL Seriously, any of you with 2 or more boys at home (or if you know anyone with boys who do this), please let me know what your thoughts are on this one...

So, my eldest has a new Wii game that he just couldn't live without...he spent his own money to get it, so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. However, he has spent the better part of 2 days since acquiring said game in front of the TV. Now, this is both good and bad at the same time...good, because the little one LOVES to watch him play new games; bad, because they both end up spending way too much time staring at the television. Anyway, those of you who read the last post know the way my eldest is while playing the Wii...constantly moving, turning around to see who is watching, etc. Well, he has a tendency to ignore the "biological breaks" that our bodies require on a regular basis. In other words, he has mastered the art of gaming and doing the "tee-tee" dance at the same time. It is true...he'll sit wiggling around and squeezing his legs together forever instead of pausing his game to go pee. (Go ahead and laugh, but you know your kids do the same thing while playing games or watching TV.)

Okay, I know...that doesn't sound all that weird for a kid to do, especially one who is engrossed in some activity or another. However, my kids are a minor exception to that common occurrence. As I stated previously, the youngest Mann likes to watch the eldest while he is gaming. So, by association, he will ignore the same "biological breaks" that the eldest ignores. Seriously??? I mean, when ya gotta go, ya gotta go...right? (Okay, I can't count myself in that last one, because I have been known to "hold it" forever.) But... These are young boys with bladders that aren't fully developed yet, so they do not have the same level of control that we, as mothers, do. Alright, enough of the anatomy lesson and background...back to the matter at hand. So, the eldest is in full fledged wiggle-mode when he suddenly jumps up and proclaims (loudly, I might add), "What the heck, man, I have to pee so bad!!" For real?? You just now realized this fact?? You've been doing "the dance" for almost an hour, and this comes as some sort of a surprise to you??? I mean, I can see if there were no way to pause the silly game that you might hold it for a few minutes til you get to a "save spot"...but, to hold it to a point where you have to run full-speed to the bathroom...Hello??

Are ya ready for the fun part now?? Before he can get halfway to the john, the youngest of my darling children jumps up and says, "Oh man, I have to pee so bad!" Power of suggestion, perhaps?? Anyway, I tell him to go upstairs because his brother is using the one downstairs. He says, "Mommy, I have to go too bad...I don't think I can make it upstairs." Seriously...again?? You weren't even the one playing the silly game, and now you gotta go too?? Well, the point of all this is as follows:

The eldest jumps and runs...the "little" one follows because he can, and he knows it will drive me nuts... So, they proceed to both go into the downstairs powder room and pee simultaneously... Yep, you read that right...they find it is so great to go pee at the same time. They like to "make it crossover and overlap". Yuck...

And they say it is weird for girls/women/ladies to go to the restroom in groups...Go figure!!


  1. I can so see them doing this. After 10 days with them, we saw the "tee tee" dance many times. They aren't going to make it one of these days!!!! Have fun with all that. :)

  2. yup...my boys used to do the same exact thing, but i found it so disgusting that i told them "never again" (oh, and b/c one of them peed all over the back of the toilet and his brother...that was the last straw and they dont do it anymore
