Saturday, August 1, 2009

"They're baaaack..."

Okay, I really don't mean that in the creepy "Poltergeist" way, but I was at a complete and total loss as to what to title a blog post after being gone for 2 weeks!

Anyway, yes, The Mann's are back. So, we had a great trip to Indiana...long, but really good. We went to the Johnson County Fair, and the kids had a GREAT time. They are big enough now to ride the cool stuff, not just the little kiddie rides. I know, you're thinking, "Why is that a good thing?". Well, I will let ya in on a little secret...I love roller coasters! It was really fun to ride the Scrambler and the Mega Bounce with the kids. I would like to skip the whole "Mom, my tummy feels weird" part of the Scrambler, but I we managed to escape the ride without being puked on! Poor Sean had a hard time with all the spinning! Austin, on the other hand, has no fear and was asking to ride those swing thingies, the Zipper, as well as a couple others. I mean, there were 2 or 3 I was unsure as to whether or not I would survive with stomach contents intact! Seriously, we did have a really good time!

We also went to this family fun place called Rascal's and had even more fun! We were joined by Daddy & Uncle Philip for this adventure. We golfed, bowled, played games for tickets, and raced go-karts. I think a good time was had by all - even though 4 of 5 grown-ups present were hungover in a serious way! Yep, the night before, we stayed up til 6:00 AM playing cards...I think we were still popping new beers at 5:00 in the morning. Ridiculous, I know, but it's a once or twice a year thing...and Papaw gets up with the kids :D. The only other negative on the day was Austin's unplanned meeting with the steel benches. You know, the ones you would typically put your bottom on?? Well, leave it to my child to figure out that the teeth and lips do NOT like those benches! He was swinging between two and slipped...landed mouth first on a solid metal bench. He looked up and was gushing was a bit scary. I'll spare you all the nasty make a long story short, he is okay and appears to not have sustained any permanent damage.

About halfway through the trip, I realized that I need to get one of those personal recorder know, the little pen-sized recorders you can use to randomly save thoughts. Yeah, I had so many "Oh, man, this would make great blog-fodder." moments during the last 2 weeks. Seriously, I so wish I had thought to take something along...Anyhoo, as things come to me, I will most likely post about the events related to the drive, the trip, and whatever else my little heart desires! After all, I haven't typed more than my name in 2 weeks! I have a lot of catching up to do. ;)

Okay, I'll spare you having to deal with my random, blabbering chatter...for now! I will be back...

Oh, BTW, do any of you remember "Poltergeist"? At the time, that was the spookiest, nastiest, nightmare-inducing movie. It is kind of funny to look back on it after seeing some of the more recent horror-type flicks and realize how simplistic it was. HOWEVER, I bet you a lot of people still remember the tree scraping the window, the creepy clown in the bedroom, and the nasty steak that crawled across the counter. No?? Don't remember that, huh?? Well, trust me, you don't want to!! Oh yeah, what about when she comes back through the TV and is covered in that nasty slimy stuff...Ewwww...

Okay, I think I have managed to scare myself here...Seriously, that is one of those movies that just really rubs me the wrong way! I actually believe it is a little creepier and scarier than some of the stuff made in the last few years. Anybody else out there find "Poltergeist" to be a bit spooky???


  1. Remember the camera guy who was looking in the mirror and he touched his face and it started falling off into the sink, yuk. When I was little I use to always cover my eyes at that part.
    Poor Austin, I know that had to hurt and way to go little man for getting on the big rides. I am also a roller coaster lover.

  2. so i guess i'm lost... i've never seen poltergeist. please pick your chin up off the floor now.

    i love roller coasters too...but aparently they dont let pregnant women ride too many rides.

    see ya tomorrow!
