Saturday, August 15, 2009

I am tired of the "PC" world in which we live...

...and I am not talking about computers!

Seriously, is anyone else out there done with walking on eggshells all the time?? I mean, we have opened our borders to people of all walks of life for hundreds of years. We have NEVER asked them to conform or give up their cultures, heritage, or history. I am all for the "melting pot" concept our country was founded on...but (see, there it is again)...don't ya think the double standards are getting a little old??

I mean, I don't go to Mexico and threaten lawsuits if my waiter doesn't speak English...I don't go to Canada and stage a protest because the French language is offensive to me...I would never go to the Middle East and threaten to bomb the place because the schools won't let me wear shorts and a t-shirt. Are ya getting my point?? But (there it is again!), these people all come here and do the exact things I am talking about, and we adapt our laws! How messed up is that??

I think the US is the only country in the world without a national language. The majority of the people in this country speak English, so why not set that as the national language of this great nation? Why do I have to pay higher taxes, so the public school system can afford to pay ESL teachers? Shouldn't English be taught as the first language, not as a second language? I have no problem with speaking your native tongue, but do it at home. Don't force me and my family to alter our education, work habits, shopping habits, etc. because you don't know English.

Before I say anything else, please let me answer a few questions that may be running through your mind right now. NO, I am not a racist or a white-supremacist. YES, I live in a very culturally diverse area of town. YES, I am friends with my neighbors and coworkers, regardless of their backgrounds. (And this includes Nigerians, Peruvians, Brits, and Indians.) YES, I enjoy learning and experiencing these different cultures. My point is that I am tired of being forced to watch what we say or do for fear of a lawsuit or military attack.

I firmly support building a wall around our borders. Not as a means of keeping immigrants out, but as a means of keeping them out ILLEGALLY. Feel free to come to this country in an effort to live the "American dream", but do it through the proper channels. Take the classes, learn our history, learn English, become citizens, get a job, pay taxes, etc...These things are all part of OUR culture.

I am tired of all the illegals in this country getting free education, free housing, free health care, for them anyway, as the real Americans in this country are footing the bill. And now our President is trying to include them in the next national census and to provide even more health care coverage. Am I the only one who sees a problem with this plan???

I realize I am venting and may not be making any new friends with these words, but I am struggling, too. I am having a hard time paying my bills and putting food on the table and providing good health care for my family. The difference is, I am a REAL American...I cherish the freedoms we have in this country. I refuse to "milk the system" simply because it is there and I can. I am not going to sit on my butt all day with the assumption that I am "entitled" to and the governement will take care of me. Get real, folks...we are headed in a really scary direction...

The Constitution of the United States of America was written with purpose and has worked just fine for over 200 years...why in God's name would anybody want to change that now???

On that note, I will sign out for the time being...but I have one last thing to say:

God Bless America!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I feel like standing up and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. This is awesome stuff; hold your ground, girl.
